17 Sep 2021

What are Ocean Diamonds?

What are Ocean Diamonds?

What are Ocean Diamonds?


We all know that diamonds were formed billions of years ago under intense heat and pressure, deep within the Earth’s surface. But did you know these very diamonds were washed away by the Orange River, off the coast of Namibia into the Atlantic Ocean? Like all good things, the supply of land mined diamonds started to deteriorate and people quickly moved off shore to look for this precious stone. Today, diamonds have been mined from the Ocean, either by hand or by large sea vessels by big corporations. 

Mining the diamonds from the sea in a large scale, combing the sea bed in search for the precious stone can have detrimental effects on the environment. Marine life can take decades to recover from the destruction caused. Organisations however have been doing this with no real repercussions. There is however, an alternative. These very diamonds can be mined by hand by deep sea divers. These diamonds have practically little to no harmful effects on the environment. 

By working with the locals, they are able to locate the area where these diamonds can be found. The divers use small boats and wait for the seas to calm before they dive in to retrieve the diamonds, this happens only twice every month. They leave little to no trace on the environment in this process, making them more sustainable than mined diamonds. 

Although sustainable, this process can be long with its origins almost impossible to trace. Which is why, labgrown diamonds are the closest to and most environmentally friendly diamonds to exist. At Rockrush, we aim to provide you with beautiful lab grown diamonds that not only look good but are also great for the planet! Explore our collection on our website.